Great news! Over the course of the next week or so we will have the distinct honor of reading several new blog posts by new members of the Appalachian blogging team. Ill be in the midst of finals, so I won’t be able to post as often as I’d like. Here are some interesting links that Ive come across, or that have been sent my way that are worth a read. Best wishes to everyone! Its hard not to be in a good mood with spring in the air. 🙂
The Union of concerned scientists is speaking up about MTR
Will the public transportation in Boone soon run on biodiesel ?
Bad fires up on Bull Mountain last week.
Jason Rutledge of Virginia’s Healing Harvest Forest Foundation has been recognized as an oustanding grassroots activist by “Rock the Earth”
More later this afternoon I hope. Leave us a note letting us know that youre here!
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