Hat tip to “Screwy Hoolie” at Blue NC. Another file for “Taylor v. Forests”
From the Asheville Citizen-Times:
“Early this month, the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, chaired by our own Rep. Charles Taylor, “zeroed out” of the federal budget money for the Land and Water Conservation Fund grants that states have used for local parks and recreation projects.
The subcommittee also approved only $26.8 million for federal land acquisition projects, less than one-third of the $83 million in the Bush administration budget and far short of the $220 million called for by more than 120 bipartisan members of Congress.
In addition, the Forest Legacy Program, which helps states conserve private forestlands from development, got only $9.3 million for four projects, less than a quarter of the $61.5 million President Bush requested for 31 projects in various states.”
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