Front Porch Blog

Massey Will Appeal AGAIN for Marsh Fork Coal Silo

Its like they WANT us to think that they are trying to hurt children. Massey tried to build ANOTHER coal silo next to Marsh Fork Elementary last year and was defeated. Now they are showing that they just can’t take “no, go away!” for an answer.

OHVEC has the action alert…

July 24: Stop DEP From Granting Massey a Second Coal Silo Near School
They’re baa-ack! Goals Coal Co., a Massey Energy subsidiary, has again applied to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection for a permit to build a second coal storage silo near the Marsh Fork Elementary School in Raleigh County. Seems Massey just can’t take no for an answer. Click here to read about the defeat Massey suffered the last time it tried for a permit to build a second coal silo near the school.

DEP will host an informal hearing on this latest silo permit bid from Massey at 6 p.m. on Monday, July 24 at Marsh Fork Elementary, 8801 Coal River Rd (Rt. 3), Naoma, WV. Please attend this hearing if you can! If you can’t attend, please consider sending written comments as to why you oppose DEP granting Permit No. D-66-82, Revision No. 9. (Be sure to include this Permit No. in your letter.)

If you can’t attend the hearing, Coal River Mountain Watch requests you send your comments directly to them before the 24th. (If you would like to CRMW’s talking points for creating your own comments, e-mail CRMW will deliver your comments at the hearing. No matter what state you live in, please comment!

P.O. Box 651
Whitesville, WV 25209

Raised on the banks of the Tennessee River, JW's work to create progress in his home state and throughout Appalachia has been featured on the Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Kos and Grist. He served first as Appalachian Voices’ Legislative Associate and then Tennessee director until leaving to pursue a career in medicine in 2012.

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