Front Porch Blog

Resolved! Catawba County Wants Clean Air

Last night, in a unanimous vote, the Catawba County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution to support clean air in North Carolina, and to encourage our elected congressional representatives to do the same. image Presenting the resolution was Appalachian Voices volunteer, Brenda Huggins (see photo). In voting for this resolution, Catawba County became the fourth county in North Carolina to send a message to senators Dole and Burr as well as 13 House members urging them to:

urge support for national legislation that would reduce pollution as quickly and to a similar extent as is required by our own Clean Smokestacks Act. Please oppose any legislation that would weaken pollution standards for neighboring states, as set forth in the Clean Air Act and its amendments of 1990, or that would undercut or delay North Carolina’s authority to seek reductions in the portion of our pollution that originates in upwind states.

Twenty towns across North Carolina have also passed similar resolutions. Each passed resolution moves North Carolina one step closer to having a beautiful, breathable future. If you would like to help pass a resolution in your area, please contact Appalachian Voices.

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