The Forest Products Annual Market Reviews provide general and statistical information on the forest products markets in the UNECE Region of Europe, North America and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Reviews begin with general overviews of forest products markets in the region, highlighting key issues and policies, followed by a description of the current economic situation. Standard chapters examine the markets for roundwood, sawn softwood, sawn hardwood, wood-based panels, paper and pulp, certified forest products, value-added forest products and tropical timber. For each sector, production, consumption and trade are considered and relevant developments in the markets and policies are included. Highlights include:
– Government procurement polices and corporate social responsibility policies are new drivers for ensuring the legality and sustainability of the source of wood and paper products in the UNECE region.
– Wood energy received a boost from record high oil prices and the policies that Governments initiated to promote renewable energy sources and to mitigate climate change.
– A recent trend of sales of large tracts of US industry-owned forestland to investment groups is raising concerns about implications for the future on forestland and growth of conservation easement programmes.
– The area of certified forest increased by 12% from 2005, reaching 270 million hectares by mid-2006, which is 7% of the global forest area.
News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes
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