Front Porch Blog


Appalachian Voices is working with partners from across the state and the region to protect and improve state and regional air quality by convincing decision makers that Duke Power’s two proposed coal burning power plants are unnecessary for meeting North Carolina’s future energy needs. Duke is rapidly moving through the permitting process to build a 1600-Megawatt pulverized coal incinerator at their Cliffside facility in Rutherfordton County, NC.

Here are three steps you can take to help protect and improve state and regional air quality:

1. Attend a Public Hearing and tell the Utilities Commission that we can meet future electricity demand by improving efficiency, not building new pollution sources.

-August 30, 7 p.m., Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Chamber Conference Room (CH-14), 600 E. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC.
-August 31, 10 a.m., New Council Chambers, Shelby City Hall, 300 S. Washington St., Shelby NC.

2. Contact the Utilities Commission and tell them that Duke Power should not be allowed to build a new plant unless and until they prove, through their Integrated Resource Plan, that they cannot meet future energy needs through efficiency and clean sources of energy.

-Call: 1.866.380.9816
-E-mail the Chair of the Commission, Jo Ann Sanford at: (note, while e-mails and letters will not be lodged as part of the official docket, they will be
posted on the Commission’s website and will reach the commissioners).

Click Here For Talking Points and Background Information

3. Become a member of Appalachian Voices and lend your support as we continue to protect and improve state and regional air quality.

Click Here to Join Now

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