Front Porch Blog

The MTR Week In Washington Has Begun!

Just a quick note from Washington to let everyone know that we’re here and the Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington has begun!!! We had an excellent, very full day of training today and we’re ready to hit Capitol Hill tomorrow. Believe it or not, we have over 60 people here from 13 states who already have over 50 lobbying appointments scheduled! I can’t tell you how inspiring and exciting it was to see all the faces of people who have traveled from all across America, many of them on their own dime, to help us end mountaintop removal and pass the Clean Water Protection Act.

On top of that, Ed Wiley arrives on Wednesday for the completion of his 450-mile, 6-week walk to Washington for the kids of Marsh Fork Elementary School, so the next few days are going to be quite a powerful and exciting. More later – we’ll keep you posted!

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