For those of you who don’t know, there are many people touring the USA to spread the word about mountaintop removal coal mining. There’s Dave Cooper and his MTR Road Show, the infamous Larry Gibson, and Austin Hall presenting Appalachian Treasures, just to name a few.
Because of efforts like theirs, even folks outside of Appalachia are talking about MTR.
Here is a Letter to the Editor about electricity cost increases and MTR.
Power at a Price – Belleville News-Democrat – Belleville, IL, USA
… Mountaintop removal mining is destroying mountains in Appalachia at an alarming rate, and is harmful to area residents. Practitioners …
And the talk of the effects of America’s consumption of coal is not limited to the USA:
Canadian Cities Petition U.S. to Cut Power Plant Pollution – TORONTO, Ontario, Canada
Canadians say that emissions from coal-burning U.S. power plants blowing across the border are endangering their health and warming the climate, and they want the pollution to stop. Today municipalities in Ontario and Quebec introduced legal action aimed at getting the U.S. government to require reduced emissions.
Vivian Stockman and Sandra Diaz of Appalachian Voices for letting me know about the articles.
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