Front Porch Blog

Greetings from Washington, DC!

For the past semester Appalachian Voices has provided me with the opportunity to work in Washington to combat mountaintop removal legislatively. It has truly been an amazing experience!

During my time in Washington I have been meeting with different offices in the U.S. House of Representatives asking House members to please co-sponsor the Clean Water Protection Act. I’ve met with Representatives’ offices from all over the country to spread the word about the national tragedy that is occurring in central Appalachia.

It was great to be a part of the Lobby Week that Appalachian Voices organized in early September. The experience of working with so many dedicated, passionate individuals was incredibly energizing. During Lobby Week a myriad mix of individuals met with staff and Representatives in over 50 different Congressional offices. In the past three months, Representatives from three MTR states — Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia – have spoken out against MTR by co-sponsoring the CWPA! The Act currently has 75 co-sponsors and more have promised to sign in the next weeks. A change is coming!

From the grassroots organizers in the coal fields, to lawyers in court rooms, to the citizen lobbyists in Washington, we are all making our presence known in the battle to stop mountaintop removal. Together, we will succeed!

Thanks, Appalachian Voices, for helping me be part of this powerful movement.

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