Front Porch Blog

Human Ecology class changed my life.

Little did I know that a class would change my life. This semester I enrolled in human ecology of the southern apps and was told about Appalachian Voices. It’s too bad I waited until my last semester to get involved, but better late than never, right? I was startled by all the information on air pollution, coal mining, and the new website: I’m a Louisiana girl that moved up here for the beautiful mountains.. so to find out that they’re blowing them up was unacceptable. My class took a field trip up to Coal River Valley and Kayford Mountain in West Virginia. Going from sitting on the blue ridge parkway and then to the mountaintop removal site was truly heartbreaking. I got to speak with the locals and even some of the coal miners. It’s hard to put down in words what I experienced that weekend. Not even my camera could capture it. I never thought I’d be this passionate about a place that’s not my home. I can’t even imagine what it feels like for those who live in it. So here I am volunteering my time at Appalachian Voices. It’s something I started doing for class, but I don’t see how I couldn’t after what I’ve learned. My time at Appalachian State is coming to an end, but what a way to go. I’ve learned so much and met so many incredible people here. Please continue your support to end mountaintop removal. I really believe that we can make a difference.

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