Front Porch Blog

Earth Matters Environmental Art Show in DC

Earth Matters
Exploring Environmental Issues
August 28 – September 30, 2007

Monotypes by Marian Osher
at the Washington Printmakers Gallery
1732 Connecticut Ave, NW (Metro: Dupont Circle, Q St. exit)
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday to Thursday, Noon – 6 pm
Friday, Noon – 9 pm
Saturday & Sunday, Noon – 5 pm

Receptions: Friday, September 7, 2007 -5:30-8:30 pm
and Sun. September 9 from 2pm to 4pm

Artist Talks: Sun. September 16 at 2 pm
and Wed. Sept. 19 at 12 pm

Brief Overview:
Earth Matters highlights a diverse range of environmental issues including global warming, threatened biodiversity, forest destruction, mountaintop removal, and light and noise pollution. Using water-soluble media, Osher has created colorful monotype prints to deepen the viewer’s personal connection with the importance of living in harmony with non-human creatures and the natural resources of our only Earth.

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