Front Porch Blog

Obama takes a small step… but we need a giant leap

The following email was sent to the 36,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Dear mountain lover,
Obama, Yes we can END mountaintop removal!Yesterday, the Obama administration took a small step in the right direction.

The administration announced an agreement between the EPA, Department of Interior, and the Army Corps of Engineers that will end the streamlined permitting process for mountaintop removal coal mining.

The agreement also commits the Administration to help diversify and strengthen the Appalachian economy by focusing on clean energy investments and create green jobs in Appalachia.

BUT, we need you to call Obama and ask him to do more. Residents and advocates of coal communities were encouraged by the news, but disappointed in the lack of urgency displayed by the agreement. The announcement falls on the heels of two major blows to coalfield communities — the West Virginia Supreme Court’s decision to approve a second coal silo next to Marsh Fork Elementary School, and severe flooding in May which affected hundreds of homes in West Virginia and Kentucky — more than ever we need to push the administration to take aggressive action.

We applaud the Obama administration’s commitment to recognize and address serious issues surrounding mountaintop removal coal mining — but the administration needs to take the next step to actually end mountaintop removal coal mining today.

That’s why we need you to take action today.

Call the White House today to tell the administration that enforcing regulations is a good start — but that President Obama should take the next step by reversing the Bush Administration’s 2002 changes to the Clean Water Act that allows coal companies to dump their mining waste into our nation’s streams?

Call the White House today at (202) 456-1111

Useful talking points:

  • You are calling to thank the administration for the recent policy changes and commitment to addressing the devastating problem of mountaintop removal coal mining, but
  • You urge President Obama to take the next step by reversing the the Bush Administration’s change to the Clean Water Act that allows coal companies to dump their mining waste into our nation’s streams.

That’s it! Just a few moments of your time can let President Obama know that we support his first steps to limit mountaintop removal coal mining — and that we encourage him go further by ending it.

Reversing the Bush administration rule change will prevent most new mountaintop removal coal mining in the United States — but to make this reversal permanent, we need Congress to pass the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 1310) and the Appalachia Restoration Act (S 696) to permanently end the worst abuses of Big Coal.

So after you’ve called the White House, please take a moment to email your Senators and Representatives.

Thank you for taking action today.

Matt Wasson

P.S.–Please help us spread the word on Facebook.

About Jeff Deal

A lover of Appalachia, renewable energy, local green sustainable economies, and energy efficiency, Jeff is the information technology consultant for Appalachian Voices and also the Senior Project Manager for the Appalachian Institute for Renewable Energy.

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