Front Porch Blog

Coal Country Premieres

The latest documentary film to examine mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia, “Coal Country,” premiered Saturday, July 11 night to a standing-room-only crowd. While the event was mostly uneventful, during the screening there were boos and heckling from pro-mountaintop removal people in the audience and Capitol Police escorted several coal miners from the building after the screening.

Photojournalist Antrim Caskey was on hand for the event – read her full account at Climate Ground Zero’s blog.

Visit the Coal Country movie website

Read an account by West Virginia Public Broadcasting

Jamie is an Appalachian local with a deep and unshakeable love of the mountains her family has called home since the mid-1700s. With a background in journalism and communications, she has been with Appalachian Voices since 2008 and currently serves as our Director of Digital Innovation and Technology.

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