Front Porch Blog

Biggest Mining Tragedy in the United States in 40 years

Appalachian Voices would like to express our deepest sympathy for the families who have lost loved ones in the mining explosion at the Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine in Raleigh County, WV. These families, and indeed, the whole community will be changed forever. Long after the camera crews and the TV pundits have packed up and headed out on Highway 3, this Appalachian mourning will continue.

The courage of every coal miner is commendable not just in times of sorrow and death, but every day. It is easy to forget the sacrifice of coal miners, whose loss of life and limb happens with alarming frequency both at home and overseas. Our hope is that stronger safety laws are enacted and that current laws are enforced as a consequence of this tragedy. All people, including those working in dangerous professions like coal mining, should have the opportunity to work in a safe and healthy environment.

The communities who are living with this tragedy need our help today. We highly encourage you to send a donation to the West Virginia Council of Churches to help support these families as they work to rebuild their lives again.

With Colombian roots, a Philadelphia, Pa.-childhood, and more than a decade in Florida before joining Appalachian Voices, Sandra served as AV's North Carolina campaign coordinator and driving force behind the Red, White & Water campaign from 2007 to 2013.

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