A publication of Appalachian Voices

A publication of Appalachian Voices

Reaping Renewable Rewards

Governments and utilities offer a variety of incentives to assist residents and businesses in the transition to renewable energy. Below is a sampling of federal, utility and state policies. Find more clean energy and energy savings incentives at dsireusa.org.


Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit
Technologies Eligible: Various solar systems, wind, geothermal heat pumps, fuel cells
Amount: 30% and no maximum on systems in service after 2008 (except certain fuel cells), excess carryovers to next tax year generally allowed

Appalachia and the Clean Energy Frontier

Solar Special

Residential Energy Conservation Subsidy Exclusion
Renewables Eligible: Solar hot water, solar space heat, photovoltaics
Details: Homeowners who receive subsidies from public utilities for installing eligible renewables are not taxed on the subsidy payment

Participating Tennessee Valley Authority Partner Utilities

Green Power Providers
Technologies Eligible: Photovoltaics, wind, biomass, small hydroelectric
Amount: $1,000 upon installation; years 1-10: retail electric rate and premium payment; years 11-20: retail electric rate.
Note: TVA has already approved enough applications to meet its goals for 2013.

Energy Right Heat Pump Loan Program
Technologies Eligible: Geothermal heat pumps
Amount: Up to $10,000 for single units, up to $12,500 for multiple or advanced units; rate of 6% – 8% and repayment up to 10 years through a third party lender

By State

KY: Solar Water Heater Loan Program
Technologies Eligible: Solar water heat
Amount: 100% of equipment and installation cost; flexible rates and terms available [Program of Mountain Association for Community Economic Development]

KY: Renewable Energy Tax Credit
Technologies Eligible: Various solar electric, solar hot water and solar space heat systems; wind, geothermal heat pumps
Amount: Photovoltaics, $3/watt; all other systems, 30% of eligible costs. Maximum incentive is $500 for solar and wind; $250 for geothermal

NC: GreenPower Production Incentive
Technologies Eligible: Photovoltaics, landfill gas, wind, biomass, hydroelectric, methane, anaerobic digestion
Amount: Incentive payments vary depending on renewable used

NC: Renewable Energy Tax Credit
Technologies Eligible: Various solar electric, solar hot water and solar space heat systems; landfill gas, wind, biomass, geothermal, anaerobic digestion, small hydroelectric, ethanol, biodiesel and more
Amount: 35% with a maximum incentive between $1,400 $10,500 depending on technology

TN: Green Energy Property Tax Assessment
Technologies Eligible: Photovoltaics, wind, geothermal electric, hydrogen
Amount: Varies depending on renewable used

VA: Property Tax Exemption for Solar (Local)
Technologies eligible: Various solar electric, solar hot water and solar space heat systems
Amount: Varies by location; offered in select counties

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The Appalachian Voice is a publication of Appalachian Voices
589 West King Street, Boone, N.C.
© 2021 Appalachian Voices