AV's Intern Team | February 9, 2014 | No Comments
“The smell alone, with no physical contact, is burning our eyes, nose and mouth…” – S. Rhodes
“There is no trust. We have been violated and lied to.” – Linda Frame
“If you don’t stick up for yourself the water company’s not going to stick up for you.” – William Holsting
“West Virginians stay strong no matter what happens.” – Hannah Spencer
“I’ve witnessed all these incredible people working together to fill truck after truck.” – Jen Osha Buysse
“My father’s water is an “unidentified substance” now.” – Dustin White
“The thing that scares me most is that I am certain that this was in the water long before residents discovered the spill.” – Linda Sodaro
“Being a three-time cancer survivor makes me wary about the long-term effects of this.” – Karen Smith Zornes
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