Linkies 10-06-06: HIGHTOWER EDITION
Everyone needs to meet our nation’s most popular populist Jim Hightower:
Twice elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Hightower believes that the true political spectrum is not right to left but top to bottom, and he has become a leading national voice for the 80 percent of the public who no longer find themselves within shouting distance of the Washington and Wall Street powers at the top.
He sure as shootin’ speaks about mountaintop removal:
…It’s called “mountaintop removal” (MTR)—a form of strip-mining that is so dastardly, so perverse, so destructive, so unbelievable, and so unnecessary as to leave anyone who sees it whopperjawed, if not temporarily insane with outrage.
He has also covered us here and here, in larger articles either about national policy or grassroots victories.
Hightower says it as is, and reminds me a lot of the spirit of the coalfield residents fighting MTR. This piece is his best on MTR.
Jim Hightower also lays into the current administration’s handling of the parks system in “ Our national parks are being trashed and taken over”
Whats in your backyard?: An interesting foray into rooftop wind power.
Woah! Ireland plans to triple renewable energy!
Possibly to distract attention from the Irish Energy plan which calls for importing and burning as much fossil fuels as Ireland can find, Ireland has announced a plan to triple its renewable energy capacity.
Sierra Club:Laying Mountains Low
New planets astound astronomers in speed and distancea
There’s a federal trial regarding MTR set to begin.
We’ll be following this one extra closely!
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