Front Porch Blog

Virgin forest destruction isn’t sexy

[ North Carolina ] A group of UNC students set out last Monday to expose what they say is the real secret behind Victoria ‘s Secret. Members from UNC’s Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) gathered at the Streets at Southpoint mall in Durham to stage a dramatic reading of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax, hang banners reading “Clear Cuts Aren’t Sexy” and hand out pamphlets to protest the store’s use of mainly virgin paper to print their catalogs. The national campaign has also included full-page ads in the New York Times… For its part, Victoria ‘s Secret has made some changes. According to Forest Ethics, the store has switched its clearance catalogs to 80 percent post-consumer recycled content and 20 percent content certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, the only credible certification for sustainable logging. The store is also said to be considering a paper change for the rest of their catalogs.

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes

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