Front Porch Blog

Faster climate change is putting the heat on Florida

[ Florida ] Pine trees, coral reefs, tourism and our drinking water supply are under the gun of climate change. The warming of the planet means Florida , with 1,200 miles of heavily populated and vulnerable coastline, is feeling real-time effects that are foreshadowing bigger consequences… While the long-range effects are likely to affect our grandchildren, the near-term effects are whittling away at our environment with the power of spring tides. A conference May 9-11 in Tampa will look at the latest research and make recommendations to policymakers. Beneath the Florida Keys , a lens of fresh water covers the salt water. As the seas rise, they push the fresh water up, especially in times of drought. As the salt water rises, the roots of trees that thrive in fresh water are then in salt water. On Florida ‘s Gulf Coast , salty seas creeping inland are killing forest denizens in the Waccasassa Bay State Preserve Park …”The whole forest is going,”

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes

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