Front Porch Blog

Don Blankinship Sweet Talks ABC Producer

Massey Energy Co.’s chief executive threatened to shoot an ABC News producer and tore his shirt collar when the newsman made an unannounced attempt to interview him in the coal company’s parking lot, a network spokesman said Thursday. ABC is working on a story about Blankenship’s relationship with state Supreme Court Chief Justice Elliott “Spike” Maynard. The network said it plans to air footage Monday that shows Blankenship telling Eslocker, “If you’re going to start taking pictures of me, you’re liable to get shot,” ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider said. In a letter to ABC, Blankenship’s lawyers said, “Mr. Blankenship has been a frequent target for harassment and physical attacks over the years, so his reaction is not so surprising when you consider that he was approached unannounced by an intruder on private property.” Tape of the incident shows the reporter twice identified himself as being from ABC News as he walked up to Blankenship. The tape was not damaged, and the video will be included in the ABC News report Monday. Neither side plans to press charges.
Click links below to read related articles:exclaim:
ABC News “Coal Boss”
International Herald Tribune
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