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Jeff Goodell on NPR’s Fresh Air

Yesterday, Jeff Goodell was on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross discussing his book, Big Coal. Jeff Goodell is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine. His analysis of the power

If you love mountains, email your congressperson now!

We’re making progress toward stopping mountaintop removal coal mining, but we need to ensure that Congress does not pass a bad energy bill that would increase America’s consumption of dirty coal. And right now, Congress is doing just that as

Roanoke Times editorials express distress about subsidies for coal-to-liquid

No sound way to turn coal into liquid gold By Marquita K. Hill I am beyond disappointed in Rep. Rick Boucher’s total embrace of the coal industry (June 5 editorial, “Billion-dollar boondoggle”). Coal-to-liquid oil technology is expensive and harmful to

Mine ponds ruled illegal – Judge deals second blow to coal industry by United States District Court

Mine ponds ruled illegal – Judge deals second blow to coal industry by United States District Court – By Ken Ward Jr. Richmond, VA – Coal operators cannot evade the Clean Water Act by building sediment-treatment ponds just downstream from

“National Memorial for the Mountains” Featured Prominently in USA Today

In a process called mountaintop removal, the coal-mining industry blows off the tops of mountains with explosives to get at coal faster and cheaper, she said. As a result, surrounding areas are buried by pollution and waste, streams dry up

Protecting the land

U.S. Forest Service chief visits Valdosta [Georgia] One traditionally doesn’t think of conservationists and foresters as having common interests, but as the pressures mount on both government and private landowners to develop and sell off natural resources once thought to

Conservation Tax Relief Has 80 Sponsors in N.C. House

[North Carolina] A bill expected to be introduced in the N.C. House the week of April 30 (2007), would give landowners who manage their land for wildlife and conservation benefits some degree of property tax relief. House Bill 1889 has

Plant Plague: Sudden Oak Death

Devastating over 1 million oak trees across Northern California in the past 10 years, Sudden Oak Death is a killer with no cure. But biologists now are looking to the trees’ genetics for a solution. [Video] News notes are courtesy

How, When & Why of Forest Farming Resource Center

The collection of on-line resources at this site will introduce you to principles and practices of forest farming. This material is organized into the seven topical units that are listed below. You may use these learning resources independently of an

The State of America ’s Forests

The Society of American Foresters has published a comprehensive, peer-reviewed report on the status of America ’s forestland. This 68-page report outlines the latest facts and figures in easy to read graphs, charts, tables, and supporting commentary. News notes are

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