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The Crooked Road

Climbing into the Cumberland Mountains, Virginia’s Heritage MusicTrail – “The Crooked Road” – comes to Clintwood and stops at a mighty mansion bearing the name of Ralph Stanley. A smoky-voiced singer, the 80-year-old Stanley is one of Southwest Virginia’s greatest

The Pines: The Good and the Bad

Jim Minick is a professor of English at Radford University and the author of Finding a Clear Path_, a collection of essays was published by West Virginia University press. Pine trees receive a large share of bad press in environmental

Strange Bedfellows

The strangest bedfellows in West Virginia, the AFL-CIO / United Mine Workers union and the WV Chamber of Commerce, joined hands recently to write an article entitled “Economic cornerstone of W.Va. under attack.” They are strange bedfellows because the Chamber


Jobs? What mining jobs? That strange noise coming from Appalachia’s coal fields is the sound that the truth makes when it is being mercilessly twisted. In rallies and op-ed essays this spring, the “friends of coal” have focused on a

Blair Mountain: New Archeological Data Heats up Mine Wars

images/voice_uploads/june_o7/circle_blair.gif Like his grandfather, Kenny King figured he just had to do something. Hallowed ground was about to be clearcut, bulldozed, and blasted down to rubble. The site of the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain battle between miners and coal

Rural Technology Initiative

The Rural Technology Initiative (RTI) website contains several tools to help landowners and managers achieve such tasks as building roads, placing culverts, and conducting forest inventories. News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes

Democrats Pledge to Green the U.S. House of Representatives

[Washington, DC] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today said Democrats would start to operate the House buildings “in a carbon neutral manner” at the earliest possible date with a deadline of the end of this Congress in late 2008 or early

A growing strength

Longleaf pines making comeback thanks to conservation program [ Georgia ] The process of clearing land for farming more than a century ago destroyed most of Georgia’s historic longleaf forests, which experts say once covered more than 65 million acres

Writing a Business Plan Adapted for the Wild Harvest Sector

A companion publication to A Planning Guide for Small and Medium Size Wood Products Companies. News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes

A Planning Guide for Small and Medium Size Wood Products Companies

At the beginning of the 21st century, North American wood products companies are facing competitive pressure from numerous sources. Traditional products are being manufactured in new regions and substitute products are being developed by competing industries. The bottom line is

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