The Front Porch Blog, with Updates from AppalachiaThe Front Porch Blog, with Updates from Appalachia


President Obama to Deliver Eulogy for Upper Big Branch Miners

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 | Posted by Jed Grubbs | No Comments

President Obama will deliver a eulogy at a memorial service in Beckley, West Virginia today for the miners lost at Upper Big Branch. The event begins at 3:30pm and will be available live on C-SPAN and online via local WV stations.

The White House has released several excerpts of the President’s planned eulogy.

We cannot bring back the 29 men we lost. They are with the Lord now. Our task, here on Earth, is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy. To do what must be done, individually and collectively, to assure safe conditions underground. To treat our miners the way they treat each other – like family. For we are all family. We are Americans.

Check out Coal Tattoo for additional excerpts and more info on WV coverage.

Center for Biological Diversity Files Endangered Species Act Petition for 404 Southeastern Species

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 | Posted by Jed Grubbs | No Comments

Photo by the Center for Biological Diversity

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed an Endangered Species Act listing petition today for a staggeringly tragic 404 southeastern aquatic, riparian, and wetland species. Of the 404, mountaintop removal coal mining is specifically responsible for threatening 30.

According to the CBD, over 28 percent of southeastern fishes, more than 48 percent of our crayfishes, and beyond 70 percent of our mussels are in danger of extinction. It will take at least two and a half years for a species to be listed, so, thankfully, this petition is getting the ball rolling on the process.

Check out this CBD webpage for access to their 1,000 page petition, an interactive map containing state by state listings of threatened species, and a threatened species slide show.

All Forms of Mining Must Become Safer for Miners and Communities

Friday, April 16th, 2010 | Posted by Jed Grubbs | No Comments

Photo: Shane Evans, WV Legislature

Appalachian Voices continues to hold the families of Raleigh County in our thoughts and prayers. As we have said before, the loss of these courageous men saddens us deeply, and we continue to support the efforts of all who are working to ensure that no similar tragedy befalls our region again.

Unequivocally, our miners deserve safe working conditions, and indisputably, our communities deserve healthy living environments. Yet, the pervasive and imposing influence of reckless mining companies like Massey Energy are standing in the way. Companies that disregard safety and environmental regulations with such startling frequency are disregarding our people and our land. It’s time we showed them the door.

Is Surface Mining the Safe Alternative to Deep Mining?

There are some who will argue that surface mining is the safe alternative to deep mining, but it is important to recognize that Appalachians in communities where there is surface mining suffer tremendous costs. These costs are incurred as a result of increased flooding, “flyrock,” poisoned water, blasts, and coal dust among other factors. According to the Hendryx study, coal mining costs Appalachia $42 billion every year as a result of negative health impacts and loss of life.

Surface mining is not always safer for miners either. In 2009, more Americans were killed at our country’s surface mines than in our deep mines.

Can We Prevent This From Happening Again?

Every miner deserves the right to go home safely and retire healthy, but is this wishful thinking in such an inherently dangerous industry? Kevin Stricklin of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) believes we can do better. Referring to the Upper Big Branch tragedy, Stricklin notes, “all explosions are preventable,” after pointing out that “it’s quite evident something went very wrong here.”

Cecil Roberts, president of United Mine Workers of America, agrees: “Mine safety laws and regulations have progressed to the point where, when followed and properly enforced, they should prevent disasters like this one at Upper Big Branch from happening.” Massey’s Upper Big Branch mine was not unionized.

Certainly, when any miner takes a job, there are certain risks. Still, these risks should never be amplified by a company’s disregard for its workers’ safety. In order to prevent another tragedy our miners need safety regulations that are enforced in Appalachia. They need these immediately.

Thinking long term, job diversification is critical. Men and women in our region need employment opportunities beyond those offered by law evading, union busting, companies such as Massey. According to the Appalachian Regional Commission, we could create 15,000 jobs a year for five years by investing in energy efficiency. Even West Virginia Congressman Nick Rahall has said he agrees that we should prioritize green jobs development.

There’s no better time than now. As Ed Markey, Democratic Representative from Massachusetts and co-author of the House approved climate-change bill, has pointed out: “Last year, coal’s share of America’s electricity generation dropped from 49 percent to 44 percent due to increased competition and decreased demand.”

Today, West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin has called for a “Day of Honor and Mourning” in which all 290 underground mines in the state have been asked to halt production for a day. We encourage you support families who have their lost loved ones by sending a donation to the West Virginia Council of Churches.



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