The Front Porch Blog, with Updates from AppalachiaThe Front Porch Blog, with Updates from Appalachia


Appalachian solar jobs on the line in Trump’s Suniva decision

Friday, January 19th, 2018 | Posted by Guest Contributor | 1 Comment

Guest blogger Kyle Pennell of PowerScout takes a look at President Trump's upcoming January 26 ruling regarding tariffs on solar panel imports and the potential impact his decision could have either way. [ Read More ]

Boo! Should Duke Energy’s shift from electricity rates to mandatory fees scare us?

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | 1 Comment

In addition to the thousands of customers, NC's customer advocate has come out strongly against Duke Energy Progress's 14 percent rate hike. There's even more to the story when you dig in ... [ Read More ]

A people’s tribunal on environmental justice impacts of fracked gas

Friday, October 20th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | 1 Comment

Lakshmi Fjord, property owner in Buckingham County, Va., where a giant compressor station would be built, talks about the ongoing effort to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the people coming together to fight it. [ Read More ]

Re: The Problem With Pipelines

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | 2 Comments

Guest blogger Mike Younger became involved in the struggle to prevent pipeline expansion when his community in middle Tennessee was informed that they were in the path of a massive fossil fuel infrastructure project. [ Read More ]

Monogamous and territorial – my common traits with woodpeckers

Thursday, August 10th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | 2 Comments

Living in Virginia, it’s easy to take the Blue Ridge Mountains for granted. But if you pay attention, there’s a mystery to them that many don't appreciate -- including the companies who want to build natural gas pipelines through them. [ Read More ]

Virginia inches closer to a carbon market

Thursday, July 13th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality is developing a rule that could significantly limit carbon emissions from power plants in the commonwealth. Developing a carbon trading program would be a sound option. [ Read More ]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline proposal raises questions that beg for answers

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

West Virginia resident and guest blogger April Keating outlines some of the key concerns with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, including safety risk, runoff and pollution, increased fracking, costs to ratepayers and more. [ Read More ]

Students speak out against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Why collaborative resistance matters

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

Guest bloggers Divest Appalachian members Cassidy Quillen and Olivia Nelson take a look at how the Atlantic Coast Pipeline touts an ideology of sustainability while profiting off of industries driving climate change. [ Read More ]

Appalachia is blessed with abundant water — we should protect it

Monday, February 20th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

"One of the resources we are most blessed with here in Appalachia is fresh drinking water of the highest quality," writes Mackay Pierce in defense of the Stream Protection Rule, which was recently thrown out by Congress and President Trump. "We should be taking every possible measure that we can to protect it." [ Read More ]

Protect natural resources for Southwest Virginia’s future

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

For all my life, the coal economy has ruled this region and its people," writes Ron Short of Danville, Va., in a letter supporting the Stream Protection Rule. "Now we are facing the demise of the coal industry, and we must save the valuable natural resources that we have left if we are ever to develop cultural tourism and eco-tourism as important parts of a new economy that works for everyone." [ Read More ]

Duke Energy neighbors say “goodwill” package is meant to buy silence

Friday, January 20th, 2017 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

From the Alliance of Carolinians Together Against Coal Ash: On Friday the 13th, Duke Energy released a "goodwill" offer to residents on wells near the company’s coal ash sites. To many residents, however, the ominously timed release is more hush money than it is an act of goodwill. [ Read More ]

Solar and energy efficiency…like peanut butter and jelly

Thursday, October 13th, 2016 | Posted by Guest Contributor | No Comments

While energy efficiency is just as clean as solar when it comes to emissions, efficiency by itself can’t produce energy for customers looking for a clean energy option, and solar without energy efficiency can’t reach the full extent of its potential. Both are valuable and can, and should, work together as an integrated solution to create cleaner and cheaper energy. [ Read More ]



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