The Front Porch Blog, with Updates from AppalachiaThe Front Porch Blog, with Updates from Appalachia

Hundreds stand with RFK Jr. for the protection of Coal River Mountain

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

Yesterday, despite cold weather and chance of snow, hundreds of concerned citizens gathered in front of the headquarters of West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection in Charleston, W.Va. The protest and rally was held to demand that the DEP halt the blasting on Coal River Mountain.

Impacted residents, members of the clergy, musicians and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. were among the list of speakers who raised their voices for the protection of the last intact mountain in the Coal River Valley.

Blasting has already started on Coal River Mountain; this beautiful ridge has been shown to be an excellent location for a commercial renewable energy wind farm. Lorelei Scarbro, the widow of an underground miner whose home rests in the shadow of Coal River Mountain, has led the fight to stop proposed mountaintop removal mining in order to build a sustainable wind farm. Lorelei asked a jeering crowd of counter protesters to “stand with us, come to Washington D.C, and demand job diversification in the coalfields.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of late U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy, decried the practice of mountaintop removal and the companies that operate strip mines. “This is a moral issue,” he said. “We don’t have a right to destroy what we can’t re-create. It was God who made these mountains, and it’s [Massey Energy President] Don Blankenship who is tearing them down.”

For more on this story see Ken Ward Jr’s blog post on Coal Tattoo: Coal Tattoo

Excellent short film on the Protest and Rally produced by Jordan Freeman:
DEP Protest


Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 | Posted by Jeff Deal | No Comments

The following email was sent to the 39,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Today, the confluence between mountaintop removal coal mining and climate change is front and center on the streets of Charleston, West Virginia and on stage at the “COP15″ United Nations Climate Summit in Copenhagen.

In Charleston, activists from around the region are gathering in front of the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection headquarters to demand an end to blasting at Coal River Mountain — ground zero in the fight against mountaintop removal coal mining.

And in Copenhagen, Google is unveiling a new layer in Google Earth that dramatically illustrates the choice to be made at Coal River Mountain — a choice between a clean energy future and the increased threat of climate change.

Click here to watch the YouTube video that Google will be showing at Copenhagen:

As Lorelei Scarbro, who lives in Rock Creek, West Virginia, at the foot of Coal River Mountain, says in the video, Coal River Mountain represents a crossroads in our future.

Massey Energy plans to mine more than 6000 acres of mountaintop at Coal River Mountain, which would destroy the opportunity to build a 320 megawatt wind farm on the ridges of Coal River Mountain.

Instead of 320 megawatts of clean energy that would power more than 70,000 homes indefinitely, Massey’s plans would release 134 million tons of C02 — the equivalent of putting 1.5 million more cars on the road for 17 years.

That’s what makes Coal River Mountain a “cauldron of Climate Change,” in Lorelei’s words. That’s why Google is showing millions of Google Earth users and the delegates in Copenhagen what’s at stake at Coal River Mountain, and why people from around the region are gathering today in Charleston.

Can you stand with the activists in Charleston and the delegates in Copenhagen today by taking two simple actions?

1. Watch the Coal River Mountain Video and forward it to your friends and family. Ask them to join you in stopping mountaintop removal coal mining by signing up at

2. Email your Senators and tell them to pass the Appalachian Restoration Act. If Congress is serious about addressing climate change, we need this bill to dramatically reduce mountaintop removal coal mining, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Thank you for taking a moment today to help secure a clean energy future for all of us.

Matt Wasson

EPA Declares Green House Gases an Endangerment to Human Health

Monday, December 7th, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

“With respect to climate pollution, we will act,” Lisa Jackson, Environmental Protection Agency administrator, said Monday in a press conference.

Jackson announced that the EPA has finalized their endangerment findings on greenhouse gas pollution, deeming it a threat to human and environmental health.

With the conclusion of this three-year study, the organization is now legally authorized under the Clean Air Act to take regulatory strides to reduce greenhouse gas pollutants.

In January 2010, in accordance with the EPA, the U.S. will begin to monitor large greenhouse gas emitters.

In 2011, large emitters will be required to submit publicly available reports of their greenhouse gas emissions, allowing for the EPA to determine long-term trends.

“This reporting will also bring to light opportunities to jump-start private investment in energy efficiency and new technologies and products – saving money, improving bottom lines and growing the economy,” Jackson said.

Jackson added that she hoped this announcement would help to build the foundation for developing green jobs, alleviating dependence on foreign oils, and securing a better future for generations to come.

“These long-overdue findings cement 2009’s place in history as the year when the United States government began addressing the challenge of greenhouse-gas pollution,” Jackson said.

The announcement is timely, as the United Nations Climate Change Conference at Copenhangen-where President Obama is meeting with leaders from around the globe-commences today.

To read Lisa Jackson’s full speech click here.

Leveling Appalachia Under the Guise of Development

Monday, December 7th, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

Over 500 mountains have been leveled by mountaintop removal coal mining-nearly a half million acres of Appalachian land in Kentucky alone.

Coal companies have defended mountaintop removal with claims that the flattened mountains provide ideal land for development and it will actually help the Appalachian economy, yet very little of the permitted land has been scheduled for commercial, residential or industrial development.

According to the Surface Mining Control and Reclaimation Act (SMCRA) of 1977, companies applying to mine an area must submit a plan to reclaim the land post-mining.

Since 1999, almost 500,000 acres have been permitted for blasting followed by a post-mining project. Less than 3 percent of this acreage has actually been reclaimed. Add to that total the tens of thousands of acres blasted away before reclamation was required, and you have a topography pockmarked with barren, exposed rock that supports neither human nor environmental development.

Some reclamation projects that are underway include fish and wildlife habitats, housing developments and municipal structures, including prisons, hospitals, ball parks and road beds. But with the population of coal field counties steadily decreasing, the demand for large-scale infrastructure on reclaimed sites is weakening.

Read “Mountains of potential? Reclaimed Surface Mines Offer Level Land, but Very Little of it is Used for Development” for the full story.

Help Save Coal River Mountain this Monday

Friday, December 4th, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

This Monday, Dec. 7 at 2 p.m., supporters and fellow mountain activists will join Coal River Mountain Watch at the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection headquarters in Charleston, W.Va., for a rally and protest to save Coal River Mountain.

Massey Energy is actively blasting and mining on Coal River Mountain in southern West Virginia. The blasting is taking place only a few hundred feet away from the Brushy Fork impoundment dam, which holds over 9 billion gallons of toxic coal sludge above the Coal River Valley.

This blasting is happening despite studies that show Coal River Mountains has the highest and most productive potential for wind power generation in the Appalachian Mountains.

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection needs to see that West Virginia resident support a clean energy future — not the dirty energy and destructive practice of mountaintop removal.

Please join us:
Where: West Virginia Dept. of Environmental Protection Headquarters, Charleston. Click here for directions. 

When: Monday, December 7th, 2 pm.

For more information on the rally and protest, please visit
For more information on Coal River Mountain, please visit

Senator Byrd changes direction on mountaintop removal

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 | Posted by Sandra Diaz | No Comments

Today, Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) released a historic statement representing a complete turnaround from the Senator’s prior defense of the horrific practice of mountaintop removal. Senator Byrd recognizes that mountaintop removal has reduced jobs in the coalfields and chastised the industry for causing unrest in the coalfields over the increased oversight that mountaintop removal is receiving by federal regulatory agencies. Most importantly Senator Byrd recognized that most Americans and members of Congress are opposed to mountaintop removal and made reference to the bipartisan support of the Clean Water Protection Act and the Appalachia Restoration Act, which would stop the most egregious forms of mountaintop removal. This statement creates an even more favorable environment for Congress to pass legislation that will provide relief and protection from mountaintop removal for the citizens of Appalachia. Senator Byrd is the longest serving Senator in Unites States history, and remains one of the most powerful politicians in Congress. His recognition that mountaintop removal is having negative impacts on Appalachian citizens and that the coal industry is going to have to change the status quo is a powerful testament to the work of citizens from across West Virginia, across Appalachia, and across America who are fighting for justice. Because of our shared work for progress, change is coming.

Here is Senator Byrd’s complete statement:


Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.)

For more than 100 years, coal has been the backbone of the Appalachian economy. Even today, the economies of more than 20 states depend to some degree on the mining of coal. About half of all the electricity generated in America and about one quarter of all the energy consumed globally is generated by coal.

Change is no stranger to the coal industry. Think of the huge changes which came with the onset of the Machine Age in the late 1800’s. Mechanization has increased coal production and revenues, but also has eliminated jobs, hurting the economies of coal communities. In 1979, there were 62,500 coal miners in the Mountain State. Today there are about 22,000. In recent years, West Virginia has seen record high coal production and record low coal employment.

And change is undeniably upon the coal industry again. The increased use of mountaintop removal mining means that fewer miners are needed to meet company production goals. Meanwhile the Central Appalachian coal seams that remain to be mined are becoming thinner and more costly to mine. Mountaintop removal mining, a declining national demand for energy, rising mining costs and erratic spot market prices all add up to fewer jobs in the coal fields.

These are real problems. They affect real people. And West Virginia’s elected officials are rightly concerned about jobs and the economic impact on local communities. I share those concerns. But the time has come to have an open and honest dialogue about coal’s future in West Virginia.

Let’s speak the truth. The most important factor in maintaining coal-related jobs is demand for coal. Scapegoating and stoking fear among workers over the permitting process is counter-productive.

Coal companies want a large stockpile of permits in their back pockets because that implies stability to potential investors. But when coal industry representatives stir up public anger toward federal regulatory agencies, it can damage the state’s ability to work with those agencies to West Virginia’s benefit. This, in turn, may create the perception of ineffectiveness within the industry, which can drive potential investors away.

Let’s speak a little more truth here. No deliberate effort to do away with the coal industry could ever succeed in Washington because there is no available alternative energy supply that could immediately supplant the use of coal for base load power generation in America. That is a stubborn fact that vexes some in the environmental community, but it is reality.

It is also a reality that the practice of mountaintop removal mining has a diminishing constituency in Washington. It is not a widespread method of mining, with its use confined to only three states. Most members of Congress, like most Americans, oppose the practice, and we may not yet fully understand the effects of mountaintop removal mining on the health of our citizens. West Virginians may demonstrate anger toward the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over mountaintop removal mining, but we risk the very probable consequence of shouting ourselves out of any productive dialogue with EPA and our adversaries in the Congress.

Some have even suggested that coal state representatives in Washington should block any advancement of national health care reform legislation until the coal industry’s demands are met by the EPA. I believe that the notion of holding the health care of over 300 million Americans hostage in exchange for a handful of coal permits is beyond foolish; it is morally indefensible. It is a non-starter, and puts the entire state of West Virginia and the coal industry in a terrible light.

To be part of any solution, one must first acknowledge a problem. To deny the mounting science of climate change is to stick our heads in the sand and say “deal me out.” West Virginia would be much smarter to stay at the table.

The 20 coal-producing states together hold some powerful political cards. We can have a part in shaping energy policy, but we must be honest brokers if we have any prayer of influencing coal policy on looming issues important to the future of coal like hazardous air pollutants, climate change, and federal dollars for investments in clean coal technology.

Most people understand that America cannot meet its current energy needs without coal, but there is strong bi-partisan opposition in Congress to the mountaintop removal method of mining it. We have our work cut out for us in finding a prudent and profitable middle ground – but we will not reach it by using fear mongering, grandstanding and outrage as a strategy. As your United States Senator, I must represent the opinions and the best interests of the entire Mountain State, not just those of coal operators and southern coalfield residents who may be strident supporters of mountaintop removal mining.

I have spent the past six months working with a group of coal state Democrats in the Senate, led by West Virginia native Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), drafting provisions to assist the coal industry in more easily transitioning to a lower-carbon economy. These include increasing funding for clean coal projects and easing emission standards and timelines, setting aside billions of dollars for coal plants that install new technology and continue using coal. These are among the achievable ways coal can continue its major role in our national energy portfolio. It is the best way to step up to the challenge and help lead change.

The truth is that some form of climate legislation will likely become public policy because most American voters want a healthier environment. Major coal-fired power plants and coal operators operating in West Virginia have wisely already embraced this reality, and are making significant investments to prepare.

The future of coal and indeed of our total energy picture lies in change and innovation. In fact, the future of American industrial power and our economic ability to compete globally depends on our ability to advance energy technology.

The greatest threats to the future of coal do not come from possible constraints on mountaintop removal mining or other environmental regulations, but rather from rigid mindsets, depleting coal reserves, and the declining demand for coal as more power plants begin shifting to biomass and natural gas as a way to reduce emissions.

Fortunately, West Virginia has a running head-start as an innovator. Low-carbon and renewable energy projects are already under development in West Virginia, including: America’s first integrated carbon capture and sequestration project on a conventional coal-fired power plant in Mason County; the largest wind power facility in the eastern United States; a bio-fuel refinery in Nitro; three large wood pellet plants in Fayette, Randolph, and Gilmer Counties; and major dams capable of generating substantial electricity.

Change has been a constant throughout the history of our coal industry. West Virginians can choose to anticipate change and adapt to it, or resist and be overrun by it. One thing is clear. The time has arrived for the people of the Mountain State to think long and hard about which course they want to choose.

Over 700 People Have Voted to End Mountaintop Removal. Add Your Voice Today!

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

2010 is the year to end mountaintop removal coal mining- and how helpful would it be if we had a cool million to do it? JP Morgan Chase, one of the largest financiers of mountaintop removal coal mining, is sponsoring a community giving contest exclusively through Facebook. Wouldn’t it be great if we could win up to 1 million dollars to stop a horrendous practice that Chase itself was funding?

Already, over 700 people have cast their vote for Appalachian Voices, the creators of for the Alliance for Appalachia, a regional coalition of organizations working to end mountaintop removal. Thank you so much to all of you that have already voted!

If you haven’t voted yet, take five minutes today to let your voice be heard. The steps are simple:

1. Go to and allow the application access to your facebook profile.

2. Through the Chase Community Giving page, Search For Appalachian Voices (the direct link is

3. When you get to the page, you have to Become A Fan of the “Chase Giving Program” in order to vote. (You can always “unfan” later if you want)

4. Click on the VOTE button. Also post on your wall, and tweet it too!

You have 20 votes to cast for your favorite non-profit organizations, but you cannot vote more than once for the same group. With the 19 you have left after voting for Appalachian Voices, you can support other members of the Alliance for Appalachia!

Appalachian Citizens Law Center Inc

Appalshop, Inc.

Coal River Mountain Watch

Heartwood, Inc.

Keeper Of The Mountains Foundation

Thanks so much!

Council Calls for Mountaintop Removal Coal Ban

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

The North Carolina Council of Churches (NCCC) issued a resolution calling for legislation banning the use of coal derived from mountaintop removal mining.

The resolution along with the DVD, “Coal Country” will be sent to the State General Assembly and Governor Bev Purdue.

The NCCC will also send the resolution to Chief Executive Officers of Duke Energy and Progress Energy, the largest users of mountaintop removal mined coal, urging them to voluntarily stop using mountaintop removal coal.

Fifty percent of North Carolina’s coal used for electricity comes from mountaintop removal coal mining.

Progress Energy Pledges to Shut Down Plants

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

On December 1, Progress Energy Corp. announced that by 2017 it will close 11 coal-fired power plants located at four sites in North Carolina. The plants will be converted to capacity natural gas-burning facilities. The plant sites to be shut down are Sutton, the Cape Fear Plant, the Weathersppon Plant, and the H.F. Lee Plant. Read “Progress Energy to shut down Wilmington’s Sutton Plant in 2014” for the full story.

Watch our newest movie, then log onto Facebook to end mountaintop removal…

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 | Posted by Jeff Deal | No Comments

The following email was sent to the 38,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

We’re hearing some promising news coming out of Coal River Mountain.

According to The Charleston Gazette, the EPA is taking a closer look at Massey Energy’s mountaintop removal project at Coal River Mountain strip mine, and questioning whether Massey Energy should have obtained a “dredge and fill” permit under the Clean Water Act.

We’re glad the EPA may be tightening its oversight of Coal River Mountain — but we need to stop mountaintop removal coal mining altogether, and not just tighten oversight on a case by case basis.

Our latest America’s Most Endangered Mountain video illustrates why.

In southwest Virginia, the communities of Appalachia and Andover are threatened by a proposed mountaintop removal project on Ison Rock Ridge.

As Pete Ramey of Wise County, VA says, “It only take one push of a plunger to blow a mountain away and destroy a whole community.”

Watch the video here:

The stories of people like Pete Ramey, Maude Jervis and Angie Honeycutt — all of whom appear in our latest America’s Most Endangered Mountains video — are what keep us committed day in and day out to ending mountaintop removal coal mining.

And here’s something simple that you can do today to help us garner the resources we need to end the travesties unfolding today at Coal River Mountain, Ison Rock Ridge and dozens of other places throughout Appalachia.

Chase Community Giving is holding a contest that allows Facebook users to vote for the non-profit organization of their choice — and we’re in the running. 100 finalists will receive $25,000; the Top 5 winners receive $100,000, and the organization with the most votes receives $1,000,000!

If you’re on Facebook, simply click here to cast your vote for Appalachian Voices in order to support (a joint project between the Alliance for Appalachia and Appalachian Voices):

(Note that you must allow the application to access your profile to cast your vote.)

JP Morgan Chase remains one of the biggest funders of mountaintop removal coal mining. Wouldn’t it be great if we were to use their own money to stop the destruction of Appalachia?

Please take a moment to vote for Appalachian Voices today, and forward the Ison Rock Ridge video to your family and friends.

From all of us at iLoveMountains, Appalachian Voices, and the Alliance for Appalachia — have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Matt Wasson

Coal Country in Charlottesville

Monday, November 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

The Wise Energy for Virginia coalition is holding special screenings in Charlottesville, Va. of the movie “Coal Country,” a new film that tells of the dramatic struggle around the use of coal in America. The screenings will begin at 7 p.m. on Dec. 9 and 10 at the Vinegar Hill Theatre at 220 W. Market St. There will also be a wine-and-hors d’oeuvres reception and benefit before the showing on Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. at Siips Resturant, 212 E. Main St., with musical entertainment and special guests Kathy Selvage and Larry Gibson, who are featured in the film.

Tickets for either screening are $5 or $40 for the reception plus screening. To purchase tickets call Kayti Wingfield at 540-470-0643 or visit

West Virginia Waters

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 | Posted by Front Porch Blog | No Comments

When it comes to water, West Virginia just cannot seem to catch a break. Recently, in Dodridge County an unidentified susbstance spilled upstream from West Union’s drinking water intake. Residents and officials were not informed of the spill.
In Prenter Hollow, over 300 residents are suing nine coal companies for water contamination from coal slurry injections in abandoned underground mine shafts.
In Mingo County, 750 people are also suing for water contamination from slurry injections.
Residents of several West Virginia counties are suing after unknowingly consuming waters contaminated with toxic pollutants that have caused many to suffer from chronic health issues.



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