For more information, contact: Lisa Doty 828-265-4852
Boone, NC (February 24, 2009) — Willie Nelson is not only an accomplished singer/songwriter, but he also is quite an advocate for our planet. He now devotes as much of his time and energy to that passion as he does his touring.
He and several other celebrities and public figures appear in a newly released documentary – “Fuel” – that addresses America’s addiction to oil and what it will take to change our course. Nelson is quite outspoken about his concerns around the sustainability of our life style and our slow response to the world’s predicament.
In collaboration with the APPS Films Council, the MountainKeepers are bringing “Fuel” to the I.G. Greer Super Cinema on the ASU campus for three showings next week. Admission to all shows is only $1.00.
Thurs., February 26: 7:00 and 9:30 p.m.
Fri., February 27: 7:00 and 9:30 p.m.
Sat., February 28: 7:00 p.m – This showing is expressly for the community and will be followed by discussion hosted by the MountainKeepers.
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) summarized the film this way, “Record high oil prices, global warming, and an insatiable demand for energy: these issues define our generation. The film exposes shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry, and the government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity, and non-food-based biofuels. Josh Tickell and his Veggie Van take us on the road to discover the pros and cons of biofuels, how America’s addiction to oil is destroying the U.S. economy, and how green energy can save us, but only if we act now.”
MountainKeepers has been an independent, fact-based voice for sustainability in the High Country for the past decade. “Fuel” is the first in a series of award-winning documentary films we are sponsoring to educate ourselves and our community about the challenges we face as a society and what we can do about them.
For more information about the film, go to For more information on MountainKeepers, go to