Visit the following websites to find more information about fracking and natural gas pipelines in the Central and Southern Appalachian region
Community and Nonprofit
- Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA)/Pipeline CSI – coalition of 52 national, regional, state and local organizations focused on Atlantic Coast Pipeline
- Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) – coalition focused on Mountain Valley Pipeline (also links to member groups)
- Mountain Valley Watch
- Haw River Assembly
- North Carolina Pipeline Watch
- Good Stewards of Rockingham
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
- Frack-Free NC
- Clean Water for North Carolina
- FracTracker Alliance
- Lucid Media documentaries
Appalachian Voices Recordings
- Pipeline & Water Protection Legislation (January, 2021)
- Hands Across the Appalachian Trail (October, 2020)
- Next Steps in the fight against Mountain Valley Pipeline (October 2020)
- Paying for the Pipelines: The high cost of switching to natural gas (May, 2016)
Research and Academic
- Oil Change International: New Money Behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline (Nov. 2020)
- As You Sow: Natural gas: A bridge to climate breakdown (March 2020)
- Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance: Why Support for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Adds Risks to Shareholders and Ratepayers (January 2020)
- Applied Economics Clinic: Analysis of the Mountain Valley Southgate Pipeline Project (August 2019)
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis: The Vanishing Need for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Growing Risk That the Pipeline Will Not Be Able to Recover Costs From Ratepayers (January 2019)
- Synapse Energy Economics Inc.: Are the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Mountain Valley Pipeline Necessary? (Sept. 2016)
- Oil Change International: A Bridge Too Far: How Appalachian Basin Gas Pipeline Expansion Will Undermine U.S. Climate Change Goals (July 2016)
- Physicians, Scientists & Engineers Healthy Energy: “Toward an understanding of the environmental and public health impacts of shale gas development: an analysis of the peer reviewed scientific literature, 2009-2015” (Updated April 2016)
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis: Risks Associated With Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion in Appalachia (April 2016)
- Union of Concerned Scientists: The Natural Gas Gamble: A Risky Bet on America’s Clean Energy Future (March 2015)
- Concerned Health Professionals of NY: Compendium of Scientific, Medical and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking (Unconventional Gas and Oil Extraction) (October 2015)
- Atlantic Coast Pipeline Final Environmental Impact Statement
- Mountain Valley Pipeline Final Environmental Impact Statement
- Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate Final Environmental Impact Statement
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration