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Seeking to Expand the Impact of Massive Federal Investment in Cleaning Up Abandoned Mines

Orange water in a shallow stream

Following the $11.3 billion investment in abandoned mine cleanup in the infrastructure law, the administration released spending recommendations and a related acid mine drainage cleanup bill passed the House.


Major progress for action to address acid mine drainage crisis as STREAM Act passes House with strong bipartisan support

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 27, 2022 Contact: Trey Pollard,, 202-904-9187 COAL COUNTRY — Today, advocates for abandoned mine clean up and clean water across the country celebrated as the U.S. House passed the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of


Final AML Guidance Encourages States to Achieve Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits Through Mine Clean Up

abandoned mine portal

The final guidance provides clear parameters for these investments, turning the spotlight on states and tribes to spend these dollars in a way that maximizes environmental benefits, local job creation and economic growth.


Community organizations applaud action in Congress to advance bipartisan bill to address acid mine drainage crisis

Orange water in a shallow stream

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2022 Contact: Trey Pollard,, 202-904-9187 APPALACHIA — Today, the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources held a mark-up of the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act — bipartisan


Statement on Justice40 Announcement

Today, the Biden Administration announced the first list of federal programs that are part of its Justice40 initiative, representing more than 200 programs and billions of dollars in federal spending.


Our communities can’t wait: Advocates urge Biden administration to fill vacant OSMRE director role ASAP

Today, community leaders from coal-impacted communities launched a joint effort to urge the Biden Administration to nominate and confirm a director for Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement.


Advocates praise federal guidance for abandoned mine land funding

The federal government is getting ready to make a huge investment in cleaning up abandoned mine lands. The Department of Interior released guidance to help states and tribes to spend that money in ways that have the greatest impact for hard-hit communities.


34 community organizations endorse new bipartisan House & Senate bills to address acid mine drainage crisis

CONTACT: Trey Pollard, 202-904-9187, APPALACHIA — Today, advocates and organizations from coal-impacted communities announced their support for the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act – new bipartisan legislation that would guarantee that major


Program seeking to link work on abandoned mine land with economic development could be improved

The Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition has put out a list of 10 recommendations to improve the Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization Grant Program so this money is more equitably distributed and focused on transformative projects for coal-impacted communities.


Webinar series to explore coal impacts and just transition issues

Mountaintop removal mine

Appalachian Voices is working with our partners in the RECLAIM Coalition to put on a series of educational webinars this spring that will take an in-depth look at a number of issues related to coal mine cleanup and economic transition in coal-impacted communities.


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