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Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction and Lawsuits Advance

Litigation around the controversial 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline continues.


Last Tree-sitters Removed from Path of Mountain Valley Pipeline

people hold signs supporting the tree-sitters

For 932 days, tree-sitters at the Yellow Finch site blocked the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The two remaining tree-sitters were extracted by Virginia State Police on March 23 and March 24.


Mountain Valley Pipeline’s Latest Challenges: Water-crossing Permits and Compressor Station Hearing

mountain valley pipeline

The long-contested MVP faces new delays due to water-crossing permits. Bills that would give Virginia more authority to protect water quality from pipelines are advancing in the state legislature. As the commonwealth considers a compressor station for MVP Southgate, developers of the canceled Atlantic Coast Pipeline begin the restoration process.


Pipelines Continue to Face Obstacles

pipeline protest

As the Mountain Valley Pipeline continues to cause problems and spark protests, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline faces new legal troubles.


Pipeline Resistance Grows on Multiple Fronts


Tree-sits, legal battles and more have sprung up in response to the natural gas pipelines being proposed and built across the region.


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