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Virginia ignores risk, allows Atlantic Coast Pipeline work

Atlantic Coast Pipeline water crossing sign

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality approved Clean Water Act permits for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, brushing off concerns from the Governor’s Advisory Council on Environmental Justice.


Our air. Our lives.

Hundreds of Virginians voiced their concerns this summer about a massive fracked gas compressor station proposed in the heart of Virginia as part of the risky Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Some of them have everything at stake — their health, home and heritage as part of the historic African-American community of Union Hill.


Legal Challenges Against Pipelines Heat Up

Flooded field caused by Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction

Federal and state courts alike have partially halted the construction of fracked gas pipelines across the region as cases are decided and permits are reevaluated.


Appalachian Voices response to Va. water board meeting on pipelines

Today, the Virginia State Water Control Board voted to direct the Department of Environmental Quality to aggressively enforce violations of water pollution control plans for the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipeline, and to respond promptly to citizen complaints about


Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast Pipeline Challenges Continue

Mountain Valley Pipeline construction

A slew of legal challenges and protestors has suspended construction on the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines.


FERC halts construction of Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines

In the span of two weeks, federal court rulings exposed major flaws in the permits for the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipeline, bringing construction to a halt.


Help Community Threatened by Compressor Station

Dominion Energy wants to build a massive compressor station for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline in the historic African-American community of Union Hill in Buckingham County, Va. The giant engine would run 24/7, creating toxic air emissions and near-constant noise that


Mountain Valley Pipeline impacts halt construction; rollbacks for Atlantic Coast Pipeline revealed

Northam administration must act following string of regulatory failures BREAKING: Developers of the Mountain Valley Pipeline announced today that they are suspending construction activities of the project in Virginia. Citizens have repeatedly called on the state to order a halt


Virginians urge regulators to reject “blanket” federal permit for pipelines

The State Water Control Board received more than 13,000 public comments concerning a “blanket” federal permit granted to the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines.


Rising resistance to pipelines

a tree sit on Peters Mountain

Resistance to the fracked-gas Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines is growing, crossing all sorts of divides. Government agencies and officials supporting the projects are on the wrong side of history.


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