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Purple Martins: The Neighbors We Didn’t Know We Wanted

purple martins

The migratory purple martin is almost entirely dependent on human-made housing while it lives in Eastern North America during the warmer months.


Counting Hawks

broad-winged hawk on power line

“Any day you see a hawk is a good day,” says longtime hawk watcher Bill Haley. During peak migration season, lucky hawk watchers in Appalachia may see thousands of hawks in a single day.


For the Love of Birds

Volunteers across Virginia participate in a statewide survey of breeding birds to create better conservation policy.


Songbirds at Risk as Local Hemlocks Disappear


Story by Hannah Aleshnick With a face more yellow than green, the Black-throated Green Warbler can often be seen between delicately needled hemlock branches. The songbird’s olive markings streak across its head and back, the jet black bib is surrounded


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