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While the nation celebrates Energy Efficiency Day, N.C.’s High Country residents left out in the cold

Boone, N.C. — Residents, businesses, local and state governments, electric utilities and others all across the United States will celebrate October 5th as National Energy Efficiency Day. Proclaimed a national day of recognition in 2016 as part of a bigger


Reports show need for energy efficiency financing in western NC

Contacts: Rory McIlmoil, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, Amber Moodie-Dyer, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, Daniel Kauffman, ResiSpeak, 919-812-5657, BOONE, N.C. — Two reports released today by Appalachian Voices show how effective home energy efficiency improvements can be for saving families


High Country residents speak up to save energy

BRE CEO 2Appalachian Voices joined with numerous others this month in asking Blue Ridge Electric co-op to help its members save money and make their homes healthier and more comfortable by financing home energy-efficiency improvements. At the co-op’s annual meeting, CEO Doug Johnson said his team is considering offering debt-free financing for upgrades including home weatherization.


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