Blog Archives

Landmark Settlement Proposed in Kentucky Water Pollution Case

Appalachian Voices, along with a coalition of citizens’ groups, has reached a historic agreement with International Coal Group, Inc. (ICG), and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet over years of false reporting and water pollution violations in Eastern Kentucky and


Go Tell It on Mountain Island Lake

Last Sunday, the Charlotte Observer asked the question, “Are we doing enough on coal ash?” Two people stepped in to answer. The column in the negative was written by Sam Perkins, Director of Technical Programs for the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation;


Update: House Passes Dirty Coal Package

UPDATE: Last Friday, the House passed the Dirty Coal package, H.R. 3409, by a vote of 233-175. Thirteen Republicans, led by Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8), crossed party lines to oppose the bill and stand up for Appalachian communities and public


A One-Two Punch in the Fight for Clean Water

It has been a week of good news in the fight for stronger protections against coal ash pollution. A court settlement in South Carolina and a major decision regarding the 2008 TVA Kingston coal ash spill make for a one-two


Rivers don’t have a pricetag, so how do we protect what they’re worth?

“After Bonny Blue broke loose the streams been dead…” “No fishin’, kids can’t play, smells bad… I wouldn’t put a toe in that creek.” “A lot of people drink tap, but I won’t, I don’t trust it.” The first visit


Despite Court Ruling, Obama Administration Can Still Protect Streams from Mountaintop Removal Mining – And Should

Environmental and community advocates got some jarring news Tuesday when a federal judge rejected EPA’s “guidance” on surface mine permitting in Appalachia — the centerpiece of its 3-year effort to curtail the environmental damage caused by mountaintop removal coal mining.


Taking Another Coal Company to Court Over Clean Water Act Violations

On Monday, Appalachian Voices, Sierra Club, and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, represented by Appalachian Mountain Advocates, filed a lawsuit against Penn Virginia Resource Partners for violations of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Unlike other CWA cases filed by Appalachian Voices


Community Organizing & Water Testing Training

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth is hosting an Organizing and Water Testing Training in Whitesburg, KY. This will be a hands-on training about ways to use the tools of community organizing and citizen water testing to protect our water and health.


Court Update on Frasure Creek and ICG Clean Water Act Cases

A status conference was held today regarding the Clean Water Act enforcement lawsuits against Kentucky coal mining companies, Frasure Creek and International Coal Group (ICG). The conference was ordered by Judge Phillip Shepherd, of the Franklin Circuit Court in Kentucky,


Official EPA Comments on 36 Ky Permits

Appalachian Voices submitted official comments following the EPA’s public hearing on June 2nd and 4th. Our comments affirm the EPA’s objections to 36 water pollutant discharge permits for surface mines in Kentucky. The 36 draft permits were issued by the


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