Blog Archives

Court rules that coal mines need a permit for water pollution from valley fills

creek with unnatural blue hue

Good news for clean water! Despite a setback in appeals court, overall the Red River Coal Company court ruling will help communities fight back against pollution from mountaintop removal coal mines.


Clean Water, Not Pipelines!

Help stop the Trump administration’s efforts to rubber-stamp new pipelines by weakening state water quality authority!


Environmental Groups Sue Four Coal and Chemical Facilities

Environmental groups have sued three coal facilities and one chemical plant for the alleged illegal pollution of adjacent waterways.


The Trump Administration’s Environmental Record

A partial summary of President Donald Trump’s and his administration’s established track record of reducing environmental protections.


Advocacy groups sue multiple coal facilities for water violations

CONTACTS: Erin Savage, Appalachian Voices Central Appalachian Program Manager,, 206-769-8286 August 7, 2019 Charleston, W.Va. — A coalition of West Virginian advocacy groups including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Appalachian Voices, and the Sierra


West Virginia groups take legal action to halt water quality violations at 15 coal facilities

red fox surface mine

CONTACTS: Erin Savage, Appalachian Voices Central Appalachian Program Manager,, 206-769-8286 Alex Amend, Sierra Club Eastern Regional Communications Manager,, 404-457-8937 CHARLESTON, WV — A coalition of West Virginian advocacy groups including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, the West Virginia


Legal Challenges Against Pipelines Heat Up

Flooded field caused by Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction

Federal and state courts alike have partially halted the construction of fracked gas pipelines across the region as cases are decided and permits are reevaluated.


House Version of Farm Bill Guts Environmental Protections

The U.S. House of Representative’s version of the 2018 Omnibus Farm Bill would roll back protections for endangered species, water and public lands.


With your help, Virginia legislation can protect our water from pipelines

people stand with "no pipelines" signs

We’ve resisted the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines for more than three years. Now Virginia lawmakers need to hear our voices to ensure that legislation to better protect landowners and water resources from fracked-gas pipelines becomes law.


Federal Agency Approves Dam Projects Over Objections

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued licenses for two West Virginia hydropower projects in September despite concerns from the state’s Department of Environmental Protection.


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