Blog Archives

Climate Corps to Create Jobs Tackling Climate Solutions

Young Appalachians could benefit from some of the 20,000 jobs created by the new, federally funded American Climate Corps.


Getting federal dollars to the communities that need them most

map shows several Appalachian states mottled with gray

An early version of a new mapping tool from the Biden administration highlights communities facing climate and environmental justice challenges. This tool will help determine how federal dollars are spent, so we need you to help make sure that the map is correct!


Fostering Climate Resilience

As climate change begins to impact Appalachia, scientists and community activists look for ways to study and adapt to the changes.


Virginians March for Climate Justice

More than 600 people turned out for a “March on the Mansion” in Richmond on July 23 to tell Gov. Terry McAuliffe to stand against fossil-fuel polluters and stand with people who are fighting fracked-gas pipelines, toxic coal ash and climate change.


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