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Community organizations applaud action in Congress to advance bipartisan bill to address acid mine drainage crisis

Orange water in a shallow stream

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2022 Contact: Trey Pollard,, 202-904-9187 APPALACHIA — Today, the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources held a mark-up of the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act — bipartisan


Congress considers bills to address coal mining impacts at June hearing

During a recent U.S. House Natural Resources subcommittee hearing, Erin Savage of Appalachian Voices and two other Appalachian residents testified about acid mine drainage, abandoned mine sites and the impacts of ongoing mountaintop removal coal mining.


House committee to hold hearing on important coal-related bills

On June 9, the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing discussing important coal-related legislation, including a bill that would shore up the troubled mine cleanup system and another that would ensure that abandoned mine land funding can be used for long-term acid mine drainage treatment facilities.


Miners with black lung & families to Manchin: “We’re counting on you, Joe”

CONTACT: Trey Pollard – – 202-904-9187 Dan Radmacher – – (540) 798-6683 CHARLESTON, WV – Today, in front of the West Virginia Coal Miners Memorial in Charleston, leaders from the Black Lung Association launched a new statewide campaign


Hundreds of Miles of Streams Designated as Critical Habitat for At-risk Crawfish

To protect the threatened Big Sandy crayfish and the endangered Guyandotte River crayfish, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service formally designated 446 miles of Appalachian streams and rivers as critical habitat.


34 community organizations endorse new bipartisan House & Senate bills to address acid mine drainage crisis

CONTACT: Trey Pollard, 202-904-9187, APPALACHIA — Today, advocates and organizations from coal-impacted communities announced their support for the Safeguarding Treatment for the Restoration of Ecosystems from Abandoned Mines (STREAM) Act – new bipartisan legislation that would guarantee that major


Webinar series to explore coal impacts and just transition issues

Mountaintop removal mine

Appalachian Voices is working with our partners in the RECLAIM Coalition to put on a series of educational webinars this spring that will take an in-depth look at a number of issues related to coal mine cleanup and economic transition in coal-impacted communities.


Congress: Now is the moment to clean up acid mine drainage

Congress can clean up orange water by removing red tape. Join the efforts of community leaders across the country and tell Congress to let states use their infrastructure funding for acid mine drainage treatment!


Biden Administration Proposes Restoration of Mercury Pollution Rules

smoke and steam rise from a power plant

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed reinstating a legal finding that supports restrictions on the amount of mercury that may be discharged by power plants.


Black Lung Advocate Judith Riffe is Making Change (and Quilts) in West Virginia

woman with light blonde hair and glasses holds a quilt square with cutout images of miners, a canary, mining boots, coal and a Bible

Judith Riffe of the Wyoming County Black Lung Association uses her quilt-making talents to fundraise for the chapter and is spearheading the installation of a statue to bring attention to the role of women miners.


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