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The Dirtiest Congress Money Could Buy

By Matt Wasson According to a report released at the end of 2011, the 112th Congress had achieved, in just its first year, the dubious distinction of running the most anti-environmental legislative session in history. The report, conducted by Representatives


The “Art” of Influence: A Story of Strategy in the Post-Citizens United Political Terrain

By Brian Sewell On March 15, when a campaign called N.C. Real Solutions launched, it came with a 30 second television spot aimed at North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue. The ad claimed that the new state legislature’s budget, which Perdue


The Emerging Efficiency Lobby: Diverse Interests Find Common Ground

By Molly Moore Conversations about blowing up mountains for easier access to coal or risking offshore oil spills to boost a corporation’s bottom line spark passions in a way that those about financing energy efficiency retrofits don’t. But wherever national


The EPA’s New Carbon Rule, Getting Serious About Climate Change

So we’re a little late to the punch on this one. Let’s take a moment to catch up. Last Tuesday, March 27, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the first-ever rules regulating carbon pollution from power plants. For those who


Close Calls as Congress Defeats Rollbacks to EPA Boiler Rule and Speed-up of Keystone XL Pipeline

Get ready, because a hostile hive of lobbyists echoing industry cries that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is no more than big government, job-killing, mean, green machine may have just been shaken up again. On Thurs., March 8, Congress narrowly


Senator Manchin Should Listen to Himself

It’s rare to get this upset over someone making a valid statement, but the other day Sen. Manchin (D-WV) said something that I completely agree with, and it’s driving me nuts. When discussing the future of coal in a hearing


Subcommittee Hearing A “Dog and Pony Show” With Your Ringmaster, Rep. Bill Johnson

I’ll admit, this morning’s Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources hearing had my head spinning. Similar to the committee’s previous hearings on the stream buffer zone rule, statements made by the Republican majority committee members could cause concerns as to


EPA Buffaloed Over Surface Mine

A letter sent by the EPA to WVDEP in January expresses the agency’s concerns about CONSOL Energy’s 2,308-acre Buffalo Mountain surface mine. The EPA has suggested ways to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and water quality that the


Bad Bill of the Week

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has just introduced a bill that has the sole purpose of making it easier for coal companies to pollute water. S.2122, the “Defense of Environment and Property Act” neither defends the environment nor private property. While


The Scoop on Coal Ash at Asheville Plant in North Carolina

Big Thanks to Hartwell Carson, French Broad Riverkeeper for his help with this post. Bird’s Eye View of Coal Ash Coal contains heavy metals by its very nature. Heavy metals are toxic and oftentimes, a little dab will do ya.


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