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Appalachian groups praise bipartisan effort to increase economic revitalization funding

Today, a bipartisan group of senators and representatives sent a letter to congressional leadership and members of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees calling for increased funding to the Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program for Fiscal Year 2022 as Congress works to finalize the appropriations bill before March 11.


Advocates applaud introduction of Rep. Scott & Adams’ 10-year extension of excise tax for Black Lung Disability Trust Fund

Today, Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-03) and Rep. Alma Adams (NC-12) introduced the Black Lung Benefits Disability Trust Fund Solvency Act of 2022 to extend the Coal Excise Tax for 10 years, with original cosponsors Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-3) and Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-12).


Black Lung Association and 68 organizations demand urgent action from Congress to extend Black Lung Excise Tax

five miners wearing shirts that say Black Lung Kills gather around a notepad

CONTACT: Dan Radmacher,, (540) 798-6683 Trey Pollard,, (202) 904-9187 Read the letter here APPALACHIA — The National Black Lung Association and 68 other organizations sent a letter to congressional leadership Thursday urging immediate action to provide a long-term


Historic investments in Abandoned Mine Land Program a win for coal-impacted communities

workers cleaning up mine site

Congress has passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which includes the reauthorization of the Abandoned Mine Land Program and the largest-ever investment in abandoned coal mine cleanup! Now they must pass the Build Back Better Act to invest in workers, families and clean energy.


Build Back Better Framework contains key provisions to spur clean energy investments in Appalachia

CONTACT: Tom Cormons, Appalachian Voices Executive Director,, (434) 981-6506 Jamie Goodman, Digital Communications Specialist,, (828) 719-9493 The newly unveiled Build Back Better Framework presents a historic investment in rural America, in working families, and in ensuring a just,


National coalition urges Congress to boost support for communities transitioning from fossil fuels

CONTACT: Jeremy Richardson, Union of Concerned Scientists,, 301-442-1326 Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices,, 434-293-6373 Washington, DC – As America continues to transition toward clean energy, Congress must take swift and comprehensive action to support the workers and communities —


Bills to ensure coal communities are part of America’s economic recovery introduced in Congress

CONTACT: Thom Kay, Legislative Director,, 864-580-1843 Cat McCue, Communications Strategist,, 434-293-6373 Read our March 5 blog for more background. Washington, DC — As coal-impacted communities grapple with economic decline and public health risks made significantly worse by the


Protecting our democracy in the face of violence means holding elected officials accountable

Every American and believer in democracy should be repulsed by the violent and seditious acts that occurred in the nation’s capital this week as the people’s elected representatives worked to finalize the lawful outcome of the presidential election.


Miners with black lung disease deserve better

Coal miners were promised health care benefits if they contract black lung, a deadly disease. Congress owes it to them to ensure those benefits are funded.


RECLAIM Act passes the House as part of larger bill

CONTACT: Dana Kuhnline, RECLAIM Campaign Coordinator 304-825-3262 Cat McCue, Sr. Communications and Public Engagement Strategist 434-293-6373 The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the RECLAIM Act (HR 2156) as part of The Moving Forward Act (HR 2), a


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