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Advocates call on Congress for urgent action to help coal communities

abandoned mine portal

CONTACT: Thom Kay, Senior Legislative Representative, Cat McCue, Senior Communications Strategist, Washington, D.C. – More than 100 organizations have added their names to a sign-on letter urging leaders in the House of Representatives to prioritize several bills that


Virginia coalfield localities call for renewed federal funding for mine cleanup

abandoned mine portal

CONTACT: Thom Kay, Senior Legislative Representative,, 864-580-1843 Cat McCue, Senior Communications Strategist,, 434-293-6373 Norton, Va. — Seven local governments in Southwest Virginia have passed resolutions calling on the state’s congressional delegation to support federal legislation that would reauthorize


Progress on healthcare for miners with black lung disease

black lung demonstration

Congress reinstated a tax to fund healthcare and benefits for miners with black lung and their families for 2020 — but further action is needed to extend the tax and support the fund for 10 years.


Environmental Votetracker — December 2019/January 2020


See how Appalachian legislators at the federal level voted in fall 2019.


A Pilot Program’s Uncertain Record

Some projects receiving federal funds for economic development near abandoned mines have strong community support; others, not so much.


Environmental Votetracker — August/September 2019 issue

Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted in June and July 2019

See how Appalachian legislators at the federal level voted in June and July 2019.


What is Congress going to do about black lung’s resurgence?

Gary Hairston

In June, advocates for black lung healthcare testified before Congress and urged them to act on the deadly disease’s resurgence. Donate today to help send coal miners with black lung to D.C. in July to fight for the healthcare they deserve!


Congress Needs to Pass the RECLAIM Act

Politicians like to talk about helping rural Appalachia. The RECLAIM Act is a chance for them to show that they mean it.


Neighbors of Mountaintop Removal Testify Before Congress

Community member testifies before congress

In April, people living near coal strip mines testified before a U.S. House subcommittee about how mountaintop removal coal mining has affected their lives and communities.


RECLAIM Act back in Congress

The bill to expedite spending of $1 billion in coal-impacted communities to repurpose old mine sites for new economic projects has been reintroduced into Congress with bipartisan support.


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