Blog Archives

It’s Not Your Imagination — Utilities Are Seeking More Rate Increases

chart showing U.S. Electricity rate cases filed with utility regulators from 1980-2018

Utilities may be requesting more rate hikes, but more and more legislators are refusing utility money, and communities continue to protest rate hikes.


No Rate Hikes for Dirty Energy!

Show up to a public hearing or email North Carolina regulators and tell them to stop Duke Energy’s latest rate hike!


Reforming Virginia’s energy system continues

Virginia lawmakers took a critical step this session in keeping a proposal to end monopoly electric utilities under consideration for 2021.


Duke Energy rate hike hearings underway in North Carolina


Duke Energy is trying yet again to make ratepayers foot the bill for coal ash cleanup and so-called grid-improvement — but time is still left to tell North Carolina ratepayers No More Rate Hikes for Dirty Energy!


Duke Energy rate hike hearings 2020

After our victory on North Carolina’s Senate Bill 559, Duke Energy is yet again asking the state regulators for permission to raise the rates it charges families and businesses.


Seeking a Path to 100% Clean Energy

human formation of a sun and 100% clean power

Localities across Appalachia and the nation have pledged to fully convert to green power — but restrictive policies and monopoly utilities are holding them back.


Appalachian Power Restricts Solar Savings in Virginia

solar array by greenhouse

Public schools and other government entities in Virginia are unable to take advantage of the cost-saving benefits of solar due to restrictive policies put in place by Appalachian Power.


TVA Stifles Small-Scale Solar in the Tennessee Valley

The Tennessee Valley Authority is ending its home solar program, called Green Power Providers, at the start of 2020.


Rate Hike Provision Backed by Duke Energy Fails to Pass NC Legislature

The North Carolina General Assembly removed a controversial provision from a ratemaking bill that would have allowed Duke Energy to enact multi-year rate hikes.


Advancing Clean Power and Energy Democracy in State Legislatures

Appalachian Voices and our partners and working to dismantle barriers to Energy Democracy and make clean energy accessible to people across our region.


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