Blog Archives

Moving Forward on TN Energy Democracy

During the 2019 Tennessee Valley Energy Democracy Tour, Appalachian Voices and our partners heard loud and clear what community members want from their utilities. Now, we’re working to put that into action.


Fossil fuels in Virginia

In a letter to the editor of the New York Times, Appalachian Voices’ Executive Director Tom Cormons says the 2019 election for state legislative offices is a clear mandate for energy utility reform in Virginia.


Re-envisioning public power in the Tennessee Valley

The 2019 Tennessee Valley Energy Democracy Tour is a listening project to begin building a grassroots vision for our energy future by asking communities impacted by the Tennessee Valley Authority what they want.


Major win for N.C. clean energy advocates

three people

Appalachian Voices was among the many organizations voicing public opposition in North Carolina to a rate-hike bill despite Duke Energy’s money influence in the state legislature.


Bringing energy democracy to Virginia

A series of presentations and workshops on energy democracy is beginning in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Read more about three events we’re holding in November — we hope to see you there!


Public opposition in N.C. wins on rate-hike bill despite Duke Energy’s money influence

CONTACTS: Rory McIlmoil, 828-278-4558, Bobby Jones, 919-394-0727, Today, the North Carolina Senate voted 48-0 to pass a revised version of Senate Bill 559 that the House of Representatives had passed yesterday 112-0. Public opposition to previous versions of


Appalachian Voices files legal challenge of Duke Energy’s rate hike in N.C.

CONTACTS: Greer Ryan, Center for Biological Diversity, 812-345-8571, Rory McIlmoil, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, Raleigh, N.C. — The Center for Biological Diversity and Appalachian Voices filed a petition today to intervene in Duke Energy Carolinas’ application to substantially increase


Energy Democracy Tour Gathers Communities’ Visions for Our Energy Future

The Tennessee Valley Energy Democracy Tour and the Energy Justice North Carolina, End the Duke Monopoly Tour have been a roaring success so far! Stay tuned for more tour dates in both states and in Virginia.


Power to the People Pilsner

beer art

Wild Wolf Brewing Company in Nellysford, Va., is brewing our benefit beer to raise awareness of our work to advance an inclusive energy future for Appalachia.


Tennessee “Energy Democracy Tour” gathers community input

Participants gather around a table with large sheets of paper

The Tennessee Valley Energy Democracy Tour will hold its final stop in Claxton, Tenn., on Oct. 21. At more than 10 tour stops, community members discussed the impacts of TVA’s energy system and shared their visions for the future.


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