Blog Archives

N.C. State Rep. Harrison: Let the EPA Do Its Job

By Davis Wax Editorial assistant, Spring/Summer 2013 What should the role of the states be in protecting human health and the environment? Last Friday, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Economy held a hearing to untangle


N.C. Rep. Pricey Harrison to Make Case for Federal Environmental Protections

On Friday morning, North Carolina Rep. Pricey Harrison will testify before a House hearing on “the role of the states in protecting the environment under current law.” It’s an area she knows a lot about – in 2007, Harrison introduced


Despite Positive PR for Duke Energy, Our Water is Still at Risk

Don’t like what people are saying about you? Change the conversation! Duke Energy has gotten a ton of mileage for their decision to retire or convert some of their older, more inefficient power plants in the Tarheel State. It’s environmentally-friendly


Citizens Object to State of Kentucky’s Backroom Deal With Coal Company

Resources Citizens’ Objection Letter Agreed Order Click for full-sized image Appalachian Voices * Kentuckians For The Commonwealth * Kentucky Riverkeeper * Waterkeeper Alliance Contact: • Eric Chance, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, • Ted Withrow, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 606-782-0998,


The Mayan Calendar Has Ended, And There is Still Coal Ash in the Tennessee River

So the world did not end today, as much of the discussion around the end of Mayan calendar seemed to suggest. But it might have seemed like that to the residents of Harriman, Tn. exactly four year ago today, when


Duking It Out: CEO Retires, Rates Increase and other shorts

By Matt Grimley Under a proposed settlement with the N.C. Utilities Commission and the N.C. Public Staff, Duke Energy President and CEO Jim Rogers will retire from his positions at the end of 2013. The agreement, announced late November, would


No Longer Hidden in Plain Sight, Thanks to!

For how large coal ash impoundments can be, they are sure hard to spot. For example, there are two large earthen dams full of coal ash just north of Charlotte near Mountain Island Lake. Can you spot them? (Answer: They’re


Appalachia’s Political Landscape

The Battle is Over — Has the “War” Just Begun? By Brian Sewell Less than a month after the Nov. 6 elections, Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia announced that in 2014 she would seek the U.S. Senate


Coal Industry Employment Remains in Flux and other shorts

On Nov. 27, Southern Coal announced it would recall 650 laid-off miners after entering into a multi-year contract with American Electric Power. The deal will allow Southern Coal to reopen mines that were closed earlier this year and will prevent


A Physician’s Take on Coal Pollution

A few weeks after releasing our report, The Human Cost of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining, and helping launch the No More Excuses campaign through, I was turned on to a interview about the impacts to human health during various


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