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White House budget leaves Appalachia in the dust

The White House released its budget blueprint last week, and the proposal is nothing short of a disaster for Appalachia and rural communities across the country. Here’s a look at a few agencies and programs the White House wants to completely eliminate if it had its way.


Senate confirms Scott Pruitt to lead EPA

As expected, the Senate has confirmed former Oklahoma attorney general and walking conflict of interest Scott Pruitt to be the next administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If President Trump still plans to cripple the EPA, as he repeatedly promised during his campaign, the man to lead that effort begins work on Monday.


The “Fox Guarding the Henhouse” cabinet

Many of Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointees take positions that threaten public health, air and water quality, and our natural heritage, and that accelerate climate change. Appalachian Voices is joining with clean energy advocates, climate activists and public health proponents across the country in urging the Senate to stand for our health and environment and reject these nominees.


Southwest Virginians speak out against Doe Branch Mine

A map of the Doe Branch Mine and watershed connections to the Russell Fork River. At a recent hearings Southwest Virginians shared their concerns about Doe Branch with state regulators.

“God gave us the water so we can stay clean, and so we can drink it. I don’t want poison in the water.” Those are the words of 6-year-old Levi Marney, spoken to representatives of the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy at a public meeting about the proposed Doe Branch mountaintop removal mine in Haysi.


New Federal Water Quality Guidance on Selenium

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced new criteria for monitoring selenium, a potentially harmful pollutant, in water.


Cleaning Up A Mess: Coal Ash Across Appalachia

Appalachian states are burdened by millions of tons of toxic coal ash. Without firm federal standards, it’s up to states to determine much of the cleanup process — and regional states are taking varying approaches.


How coal ash impacts civil rights

Residents of Walnut Cove, N.C., have fought for years to win justice for community members who have been harmed by coal ash pollution at the nearby Belews Creek power plant. In response to the interest in the threats posed by coal ash expressed by the North Carolina Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the Walnut Cove community showed up in a big way.


Scientists Review to EPA Fracking Report

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board raised questions about the scientific basis of a report by the agency on fracking.


Clean Power Plan Clears Legal Hurdle

Challenges to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan are now going through the legal system.


SCOTUS pauses the Clean Power Plan, for now

After a setback dealt by the U.S. Supreme Court, it’s imperative that decision makers in our region understand the opportunities presented by the Clean Power Plan rather than falsely attacking it as the cause of the coal industry’s hard times.


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