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Va. foes of Atlantic Coast Pipeline applaud N.C. delay, urge Gov. McAuliffe to likewise seek more information

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices,, 434-293-6373 VIRGINIA – Late yesterday, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s administration delayed until mid-December its decision on whether to permit the controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline project, requesting additional information on its potential impact on


The Human Impact: Mining and Fracking in Appalachia

Extracting coal and natural gas is linked to a range of health problems in Appalachia, including shorter life expectancies.


Groups blast FERC findings on Mountain Valley Pipeline for fracked gas

Contact information for those quoted provided below. A coalition of landowners and advocacy organizations today condemned the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for disregarding the profound and long-lasting human and environmental trauma the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) would cause.


Coal Plant Waste Standards Put on Hold by EPA and Other Shorts

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency has stalled regulations that would prevent water pollution from coal power plants, a new study finds a link between natural gas fracking and increased infant mortality, and new drilling activities for the Rover Pipeline were put on hold after a massive spill into Ohio wetlands.


Retired Miners Face Possible Loss of Benefits

Retired coal miners face possible loss of benefits, a Duke University study reveals coal ash byproducts in area fish, The U.S. State Department approves the Keystone XL pipeline and other shorts from The Energy Report.


VA County Bans Fracking, Maryland Close Behind

Augusta County, Va., became the first county in the commonwealth to ban fracking, and the state of Maryland is close behind.


Atlantic Coast Pipeline proposal raises questions that beg for answers

West Virginia resident and guest blogger April Keating outlines some of the key concerns with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, including safety risk, runoff and pollution, increased fracking, costs to ratepayers and more.


Unnecessary and unwanted: Opposition to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline grows

The public has taken every opportunity to tell FERC to reject the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. There’s still time to add your voice to the choir of people across the country urging FERC to reject the unnecessary and unwanted project.


Fracking and Natural Gas Updates

Studies have found that fracking waste can have have a negative impact on water quality and that noise from fracking can have negative health impacts. A federal agency is considering allowing oil and gas companies to harm endangered bats.


Public Frack Complaints Unearthed and Other Shorts

Public Frack Complaints Unearthed, Bill to Study Health Impact of Mountaintop Removal Introduced, W.Va. Coal Company Settles Water Pollution Lawsuit, and other news briefs


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