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Community leaders, Bill McKibben call on TVA to stop gas buildout ahead of Nashville board meeting

Community members from across Tennessee, along with renowned environmentalist Bill McKibben, showed up to the TVA Board of Directors’ listening session on Wednesday.


Communities to hold ‘Rally for the Valley,’ demand TVA stop gas buildout

Locked Out Locked Arms rally

On Wednesday, May 8, people from across the Tennessee Valley will gather in Nashville’s Centennial Park to “Rally for the Valley” after the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors’ Listening Session.


Community members, conservation groups condemn TVA’s fossil fuel-driven rate hike

Kingston Fossil Plant

In a disappointing move, the Board of the Tennessee Valley Authority last week approved a 4.5% increase to its base power rate. This rate hike will go into effect in just a few weeks and will lead to higher electricity bills throughout the region.


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