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In a moment of climate crisis, Dominion wants to move Virginia backwards

These developments support the Virginia-wide shift towards clean, renewable energy and Dominion Energy had seemingly embraced this transition, expanding its own solar and wind facilities. But, alarmingly Dominion is now trying to reverse course in Chesterfield and construct a new harmful methane gas “peaker” plant, mere miles from the old plant.


Opposition to proposed Dominion gas plant grows ahead of public briefing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 14, 2023 CONTACT Jessica Sims, (804) 356-1228 Glen Besa, (804) 387-6001 Chester, Va. — On Thursday, Nov. 16, advocates from Central Virginia will host a community gathering and press conference to highlight their opposition


Fracked and Overwhelmed

fracking site

As fracking and related infrastructure expand, so does the industry’s impacts on local residents.


Pipe Dreams: The push to expand natural gas infrastructure

Landowners whose property lies along a natural gas pipeline route worry about local impacts, while others warn of the long-term consequences that could come with a reliance on this fickle fuel.


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