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DNC Dispatch: Key political players attend App Voices party

Greetings from the DNC! We had an absolutely fantastic evening at our “Bourbon, Bluegrass and a Better Future for Appalachia” reception in the heart of the convention area in uptown Charlotte yesterday. A full house joined us to celebrate our


Ten Years In, the Clean Smokestacks Act Continues to Benefit Us All

Right now, members of Congress are at home hearing from their constituents about the issues they most care about. In this spirit, we joined residents of North Carolina working on water issues to visit the Charlotte office Sen. Kay Hagan.


A One-Two Punch in the Fight for Clean Water

It has been a week of good news in the fight for stronger protections against coal ash pollution. A court settlement in South Carolina and a major decision regarding the 2008 TVA Kingston coal ash spill make for a one-two


ODEC Puts Coal Plant on Ice

Wise Energy for Virginia For Immediate Release – August 9, 2012 ODEC Puts Plans for Coal Plant On Ice Clean energy groups rejoice but vow to stay vigilant ——————————————————————- Contact: Mike McCoy, Appalachian Voices (434) 293-6373 Beth Kemler, Chesapeake Climate


Study Shows Extensive Downstream Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Mining

By Emily Yu 2012 Stanback intern A new scientific study has confirmed what most Appalachians have known all along: the damaging impacts of mountaintop removal mining extend far beyond the destructive sites themselves. Researchers from Duke and Baylor Universities have


Community Organizing & Water Testing Training

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth is hosting an Organizing and Water Testing Training in Whitesburg, KY. This will be a hands-on training about ways to use the tools of community organizing and citizen water testing to protect our water and health.


Rebranding Bank of America’s Responsibility

————————————————————————————————————————————– Join us in Charlotte on May 9 to remind Bank of America, the largest financier of the U.S. coal industry, of their responsibility to citizens and the environment. Visit our action page for more info and to sign up.


Study Weighs Risks, Benefits of Fracking in North Carolina

By Brian Sewell A series of public hearings in March concluded that, with proper regulation, hydraulic fracturing, the controversial natural gas drilling method can be done safely in North Carolina. The hearings, held in Sanford, Chapel Hill and Pittsboro, received


Hampton Roads Vs the Coal Plant

The effort to keep Hampton Roads air from suffering from a major new source of air and water pollution for next sixty years is picking up and your help is needed. On Tuesday Norfolk is going to vote whether to


The EPA’s New Carbon Rule, Getting Serious About Climate Change

So we’re a little late to the punch on this one. Let’s take a moment to catch up. Last Tuesday, March 27, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the first-ever rules regulating carbon pollution from power plants. For those who


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