Blog Archives

Building Community Internet in the Clearfork Valley

The Southern Connected Communities Project is working to bring high-speed internet to Clairfield, Tenn., and other underserved rural areas.


Community-owned Broadband Expands Rural Opportunities

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The Southern Connected Communities Project is helping rural communities build locally owned and operated wireless broadband infrastructure.


Rural Broadband Access Expansion

By Amber Ellis Rural America can look forward to a more connected future because a federal court in May upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to subsidize high-speed Internet service in remote areas. The $4.5 billion initiative previously provided telephone


Equal Access

By Paige Campbell Eighth-grader Jarod Knight is having trouble with his homework. At his school in mountainous southeast Ohio, many class projects involve using the school’s broadband internet connection. But if Knight can’t finish during class, those assignments — like


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