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Dominion Energy’s lack of long-term planning remains clear as SCC proceedings conclude

Contact: Tasha Durrett,, 434-977-4090 RICHMOND​,​ VA​.​ – After three days of testimony, proceedings at the State Corporation Commission to consider Dominion​ Energy​’s “Integrated Resource Plan” have concluded. The Commission will now determine, based on the evidence, whether Dominion’s long-term


Why is Dominion’s IRP important for Virginia’s future?

Peter outside his landlords' home in Charlottesville.

In Virginia, electric utilities providing public services are regulated to ensure that they balance reliability, sustainability, and affordability. That balancing act is what “integrated resource planning” is all about. In this blog, we dive into the recent plan from Dominion Virginia Power, the heavyweight in the state’s electric sector whose choices affect not only its customers, but virtually all of us, and our environment.


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