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Statement by Appalachian Voices on Mountain Valley Pipeline’s request to place MVP in service

This lengthy section of green, pre-welded pipeline lays along side a deep, machine-dug trench that extends down a long slope through a cleared swath of forested land.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 10, 2024 CONTACT: Molly Moore, Director of Program Communications: (828) 278-4076, Jessica Sims, Virginia Field Coordinator: (804) 356-1228, Today, Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission asking commissioners


Changes for MVP Southgate Pipeline are Part of a Web of Proposed Methane Gas

A group of people march carrying banners.

“Families and farmers are being asked to sacrifice land, health and peace of mind for projects that are less reliable and affordable than renewables,” said Ridge Graham of Appalachian Voices.


Concerns Over Proposed Cumberland Methane Plant and Pipeline

A sign advertises a No Pipelines meeting.

The Tennessee Valley Authority and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company push ahead with plans for the Cumberland Pipeline amid concerns for the environment, property and public safety.


TVA plows ahead with plans for Kingston gas plant, ignores clean energy alternatives

On Friday, the Tennessee Valley Authority announced it will move forward with plans to build a new gas plant and pipeline, forcing families in the Tennessee Valley to foot the bill for the polluting and outdated fossil fuel infrastructure.


Reliance on fossil fuels was last year’s Grinch that stole Christmas — and the real cause of Winter Storm Elliot blackouts

On Dec. 24, 2022, as Winter Storm Elliot bore down on North Carolina and Tennessee, problems at fossil-fuel power plants and high electricity demand led Duke Energy and the Tennessee Valley Authority to shut off power for millions with rolling blackouts. But it didn’t have to be this way.


Movements to stop TVA’s gas buildout gain momentum ahead of critical year

no gas buildout in the tennessee valley

Campaigns to stop Tennessee Valley Authority’s proposed methane gas buildout are closing out 2023 with some major developments and eyeing next year as pivotal.


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